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Latest Legal Insights

Property and Leasing

Exploring Retail Leases in New South Wales: An Overview

Retail Leases Act 1994 aims to enhance consumer protection for tenants through increased transparency and communication, simplify the retail lease process, and provide access to low-cost dispute resolution between landlords and tenants.

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Business Structuring

The Importance of Succession Planning for Family-Owned Businesses

This article will delve into the intricate world of succession arrangements, offering insights, strategies, and best practices for a seamless transition for family-owned business.

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Closing the Loopholes Act: A Guide for Employers Phase One Reforms

The Australian government has recently introduced workplace changes through the Closing the Loopholes Act in response to evolving workplace dynamics.

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Do we have an Agreement? Understanding Contract Law

To assist with determining whether a contract is in place, there are four essential elements to consider: offer, acceptance. Consideration and intention. This article will explore each of these elements.

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Contracts Corporations

Employer Responsibilities in Preventing Sexual Harassment

In this article we explore the implications of recent legal reforms and the steps that Australian employers must and can take to create a safer and more inclusive work environment.

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Contracts Corporations

Share Sale Agreements: A Comprehensive Guide

In a share sale, the ownership of a company is transferred by selling the shares held by the existing shareholders.

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Corporations Startups

Crowdfunding your Business? What You Need to Know

This guide will help you understand the various crowdfunding models and legal considerations associated with crowdfunding.

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Corporations Regulatory and Compliance

Navigating Conflicts of Interest: A Guide for Company Directors

Company directors have the legal obligation to avoid conflicts of interest. For all company directors, identifying and managing potential conflicts is a pivotal task.

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